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Monday, November 03, 2008

Back to Work

9:22 in the morning and here I am back at work. Not in the best of moods, but not feeling great either. I feel like not talking with anyone, anyway, but that's not an option right now. In fact, I feel like telling most people to stick it where the sun don't shine.

In any case, looking to sort priorities here as far as daytime work is concerned and then I have that (useless) MSc appointment with my advisor at 6pm. Must go home for lunch and pack the gym bag. If there's ONE fucking thing I WILL do today is go to the gym at the end of the day.

Eat better, exercise a lot. Things must improve.


The blog tutorial went nicely, everything fitting much better after my experience with CakePHP at work.

Next steps:

- wrap up the initial database schema (namely devise a scheme for player positions) with an eye for extensibility/scalability of player attributes.
- code up MVC for that schema
- think up a plugin/role architecture and tie it in with a user authentication mechanism (possibly using Auth built-in controller: see CakePHP docs)
- player attribute filtering: inspect and possibly adapt/port Icing's Filter component (but first survey 1.2's filtering capabilities).

So, off the top of my head, version 0.01 should package the following:

- basic CRUD for players & teams
- search players (using basic filters a la SIIUE at first)

That's pretty much it. Waiting on D. to wrap up her project work at her colleagues place so we can hit the sack at last. I'll be sleep deprived tomorrow, but what the hell. But it sucks to have an MSc appointment at 6pm.. considering I'm not as prepared as I would've liked to be.

Did I mention how fucking great Mogwai's latest album is?


Oh My God, Mogwai's latest is the perfect chillout album that isn't chillout. Ideal for late night working sessions...

Sea of Tranquility

Apparently music like Mono, Mogwai or Russian Circles (especially the first two) is a catalyst of productivity and concentration.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Just Do It

It may well be the slogan for Nike but it's also a slogan I most definitely should heed right now.

Today is Day 0 of Hawkeye.

Hawkeye is the codename for a web app I'm developing in order for me to a) assess its commercial viability and b) get filthy rich from. It will be a long and winding road, but I'm hopeful it will be a lot of fun within some time of developing it. This blog will now become something of a personal notebook for this stuff, which means it will most likely be sketchy and hard to understand. No one reads it anyway, so that's alright.

So, having used and coded upon CakePHP 1.1 at work, I've decided that I should no longer fear 1.2 and so I will dive head first into it. Sucks that I won't have ready made stylesheets and the whole Icing stuff, but then again, this is also a learning project. I shall not stagnate.

Decided that the best course of action right now is to follow the classic blog tutorial for 1.2 and see where this goes. Hopefully will get educated on some new stuff, such as model behaviors which are pretty much a puzzle to me right now.

Off I go.


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Always an ace on the river.