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Friday, October 07, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, we are floating in space

Somehow this Spiritualized album title seemed appropriate as this post's title.

A frankly positive day of work yesterday lead to a somewhat disgraceful evening. Now (slightly) paying interest on last night's (slight) lack of control. Need to get to work, but feel like procrastinating instead. Which, alas, is not an option. Looking to put in some good hours today, make some real progress work-wise, and check out at around 6pm.

I'm not too keen on the turn my personal life is taking, but before I discourse about it, I need to collect my thoughts a little bit more. Feel like I'm on a limbo between really good and really bad and that's too stressful right now.

Thursday, October 06, 2011


Didn't sleep too well. Woke up at 7.30am feeling somewhat awake, so decided to get up not to risk waking up in a much worse shape an hour later. It's happened before. Calmly got dressed and ready to go out, no stress. Walked to the city centre, had breakfast at one of my favorite spots and arrived at work minutes before 9am.

Went through a work report with Miguel, something I was already expecting to do, and it went really smooth. Kinda surprised. Will spend the entire day fixing issues with the B2B, hopefully will make some real headway.

Back still hurts, no signs of improvements. Resigned to call and schedule an appointment for tomorrow.


Just got back from the Wormrot gig. It was worth every penny and every mile, for all the right reasons. Really dug every band that played and it was one of those evenings where each band rocks even more than the one preceding it. Atentado are really competent crust punk, Utopium were a really good surprise, Maruta devastated the stage and then Wormrot were just insane. Those kids surely don't play with the whole deck but they do destroy.

Back still aches and will have to visit the osteopath sooner rather than later. Saturday at the latest. Have to hit bed real soon, tomorrow need to be at the office at around 9am and have a really long day ahead. Two days actually. But if these turn out well, I'm looking into a relaxing weekend. Let's hope I can take October's last two weeks off. That would be goddamn sweet.

Oh, started playing CM (!) again. Hadn't done it in a few years now, just decided to pop CM 01/02 on a whim and had loads of fun managing Hartlepool in England's Division Three. I must really be going nuts.

And by the way, RIP Steve Jobs. Just got the news from Daniela when I arrived. One less really interesting human being on this Earth.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011


My back is killing me. Again. I need an osteopath appointment so badly.

All geared up to go the Wormrot gig anyway. Pisses me off so much that my back gets worse precisely the only day I have plans to go out and have fun. Let's hope it doesn't get even worse, and I'll surely take a pill before going out. What has my world come down to.

I feel like I'm reaching some sort of saturation point with my whole situation, a point where I become numb and don't really care much anymore. And it saddens me.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Numbing Pressure

Aching all over, overwhelmingly tired, body and mind. I suppose the worst thing is not really having a definite "good" scenario to look forward to after the storm passes. Feeling directionless has always been a problem with me. Remaining (somewhat) calm, nevertheless. Or at least pretending to, with all the anger brooding deep down inside.

Feel like saddling my bike and just get off. Certain to be a mistake as a) it's damn hot outside and b) I've been drained of nearly all my body strength, and bike has pedals and stuff. On the other hand, it's probably not too hot for too long now and the sheer fact of breathing fresh air invigorates me already. Might try to get away from the office at 5pm tops and see how this goes.

Daniela has the SHE board meeting tonight and I don't know what I want to do. I'll probably still be drained by then and don't even feel like play poker - don't have much balance to anyway. Reading or watching a film are options, but will probably just drift off to sleep either way. Drinking myself to sleep is also an option, albeit a tragic one which must and will be avoided.

Speaking of books, I wonder if there will ever come a time when I make good on the promise of reading my entire backlog of 100 or so new books. It's certain to take some 2 or 3 years for sure, but I'm positive I'd feel so good about it. I obviously no longer know what it feels like going out to buy books because there's nothing else left to read anew.

Really hoping to make it to the Wormrot/Maruta gig tomorrow night at Side B in Benavente. Atentado are playing too, and I've been meaning to see them for ages now. Hugo, RSA, JCS and JMR will probably all be there too and it's guaranteed to be a hell of a good time too. I'm also longing for the lone road trip, which despite being a little short side is definitely longer than anything I've done in a damn long time.


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