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Thursday, October 06, 2011


Just got back from the Wormrot gig. It was worth every penny and every mile, for all the right reasons. Really dug every band that played and it was one of those evenings where each band rocks even more than the one preceding it. Atentado are really competent crust punk, Utopium were a really good surprise, Maruta devastated the stage and then Wormrot were just insane. Those kids surely don't play with the whole deck but they do destroy.

Back still aches and will have to visit the osteopath sooner rather than later. Saturday at the latest. Have to hit bed real soon, tomorrow need to be at the office at around 9am and have a really long day ahead. Two days actually. But if these turn out well, I'm looking into a relaxing weekend. Let's hope I can take October's last two weeks off. That would be goddamn sweet.

Oh, started playing CM (!) again. Hadn't done it in a few years now, just decided to pop CM 01/02 on a whim and had loads of fun managing Hartlepool in England's Division Three. I must really be going nuts.

And by the way, RIP Steve Jobs. Just got the news from Daniela when I arrived. One less really interesting human being on this Earth.

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