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Sunday, October 10, 2004


Right now, the question begging to be asked is: under which rock have I been living for the past few years? Only now I'm beginning to really appreciate the music of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Some four years ago I got myself their Best Of cd (swapped with a mate for Pulp's Different Class at the time) and that was influenced by yet another friend who had Nick Cave's compilation and I somehow enjoyed the sound of it back then, without really understanding it. Still, the I agreed to go ahead with the swap (this was a time when downloading music off the internet and copying audio CDs wasn't really common place for me. Yet. Oops, did I just say that?).

Anyway, the best of has been lying around for this good while, getting a bit of air play on one of my sound systems on very rare ocasions. I'd say I've listened to it, what, three times since I got it? Somehow, a few days ago it all just clicked right into place. All songs sounded just perfect, the mood perfect aswell and that was a delight. I went on and got myself another couple of discs, "Let Love In" and "The Boatman's Call" which I'm currently enjoying. Outstanding.

This is going to spin quite a lot around here in the foresseeable future.

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